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Rough markets cull the advisory herd but in a healthy way, new Cerulli data shows

Added on August 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fourteen thousand advisors fell by the wayside from 2009 to 2010 but dually registered advisors and RIAs have bucked that trend, gaining strength in numbers, analysts with Cerulli Associates say in a new study. In that time period, the number of advisors dropped from 334,160 to 320,378 – a loss of 4.1%, according to the Boston-based company its annual Advisor Market Sizing analysis.  Dually registered advisors grew a whopping 10.2% from 11,591 to 12,773.  

TD Ameritrade Institutional Advisor Index Survey

Added on October 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: According to a survey conducted by TD Ameritrade Institutional, more independent registered investment advisors (RIAs) are making the move to develop a formal succession plan and most say they will identify an internal successor.  According to the quarterly survey of 502 RIAs, 62 percent of advisors say they have or are in the process of developing a succession plan, up from just 43 percent in2010. 


Business model cracked but not broken

Added on February 2012 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For many, 2011 will be remembered as the year the broker-dealer model cracked. Scores of independent firms shut down, unable to keep up with rising legal and compliance expenses. Dozens were simply buried under the cost of lawsuits from clients who bought suspect private investments when the market was roaring in the middle of the last decade.



Schwab encourages RIAs to adopt client segmentation but some don't approve

Added on June 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Schwab is launching a client segmentation program to aid advisors in analyzing their clients and grouping them to determine which services to offer each client group with the ability to measure profitability.

RIAs and online brokers are winning the market-share game

Added on July 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The Aite Group's most recent study, New Realities in Wealth Management: From Dust till Dawn, gives the current market share breakdown in wealth managment and the changes that have occured between late 2009 and early 2011. 

Marketshare       Wealth Management Provider      Change
      11%                             RIAs                                +1.2%  
      19%                     On-line Brokerage                  +3%  
      38%                       Wirehouses                           -1.1%
      16%             Independent Broker Dealers           -4%

The number of commission-only brokers has fallen 40% between late '09 and early '11.

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