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How to Work Better With Couple Clients

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Only 42% of couples who have advisors work with them jointly, according to a new Fidelity study  -- and that’s a problem, according to experts at the custodial operation. In the remaining 58% of couples, male partners manage the advisor relationship while their significant others don’t participate.

Understanding Generation Me

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you want to forge a relationship with clients under the age of 48, the highly coveted Generation X and Gen Y clients, that means knowing how to talk to them. It’s more than knowing their Twitter habits. It means understanding patterns of affluent societies throughout history and how the children of those societies see themselves.That was the message delivered by Cam Marston, president of Generational Insights and a demographics researcher, speaking at Fidelity’s Inside Track NYC conference for advisors on October 30 in Midtown Manhattan.

15 Compliance Trends that Will Impact Your Practice in 2014

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: What will happen in the financial services industry in 2014 in the world of compliance? What trends will predominate as financial advisors seek to meet regulatory requirements, and which issues will come to the fore? Furthermore, what issues that have been key compliance mandates in the past will continue to dominate the discussion?

Ten Best Business Books of 2013

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The WealthManagement.com list of the Ten Best Business Books, now in its second year, recognizes the most useful business books for financial professionals. Over 25,000 business books were published in 2013. WealthManagement.com editors got together and think that readers who check out the following books will be well rewarded. As always, we tried for a mix of the high-profile, the hidden gems, and we threw in a financial thriller for fun. In each case, a key takeaway is offered.

Firms work to make the most of their young advisers

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Trend emerges of 20-something advisers taking on meaningful work sooner. Increasingly, firms are treating the traditional apprentice-type model training as more of a reciprocal relationship. And they are seeking the input of young and would-be advisers in a number of different ways.

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