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Advisers need younger clients, but aren't reaching out: Survey

Added on February 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Despite recognizing that wooing younger clients is vital to the longevity of their businesses, most advisers aren't making any effort to do so. Six in 10 advisory firms don't have any strategy in place to court younger clients, according to a recent survey conducted by TD Ameritrade Institutional.


Millennials Present Opportunity & Challenge for Advisors

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The financial crisis has had an enormous impact on millennials’ attitudes towards investing, saving and success, presenting both opportunities and challenges for financial advisors, a new survey by UBS Investor Watch finds.


7 Characteristics of Millennial Investors

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For many Millennials (people ages 21 to 36), their experience with the markets has been volatility and crashes; they’ve also dealt with job security issues. That would explain whey they tend to me more conservative investors. According to the latest UBS Investor Watch report, Millennials are also more likely to describe themselves as conservative, similar to the WWII generation.

Millennials chary of long-term investing

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The trauma of the financial crisis is still fresh in the minds of the youngest investors and that makes them hold tight to their cash and dubious about long-term investing. Many millennials, which UBS defines as being 21 to 36, are as conservative as their grandparents' generation, which experienced the Great Depression, according to a recent UBS survey.

Advisers Test Ideas in Study Groups

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Whether it's to test out a new idea, find a way to win a tricky piece of business or simply find some affirmation for their efforts, some advisers count on their study groups. But there's no one right way for such a group to operate. They range in formality, size, frequency of meetings and other aspects. Here some advisers describe their groups. Each shares a key factor in its success.

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