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The Alliance for Registered Investment Advisors (aRIA) Releases Final Two Case Studies on Member Advisory Firms, of a Six Part Series

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The Alliance for Registered Investment Advisors (aRIA), a think-tank comprised of six elite RIA firms that collectively manage more than $20 billion in client assets, today released the final two case studies of a six part series on their member RIA firms. Entitled "The Grass Is Only Greener If They See It: Helping Wirehouse Firms To View Your Firm As A Destination" and "Turning Your Practice Into A Business: Creating Profitable, Manageable & Sustainable Enterprise Value".

When Lucky Breaks Help Advisers Succeed

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: t goes without saying that successful advisory practices are built on working long hours, developing the right skills and leaning on experts for help. But along the way, sometimes an event or situation arises that gives a fledging financial adviser that needed boost to help him or her realize their dreams: the lucky break.

Banks See Wealth Management New Cash Cow

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Expect banks to become bigger players in the wealth management space. According to a new study by Fidelity, over half of bank executives expect to grow their revenue from wealth management practices by 25 percent in the next five years. After dealing with the financial meltdown and the effects of regulatory change, banks are now looking for new revenue opportunities, with a particular interest in fee-based business, according to the Fidelity Bank Wealth Management Study.

4 New Advisor Tech Trends

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For advisors, technological change can seem both lightning fast and very slow. As Victor Fetter, LPL Financial’s chief information officer, pointed out in his keynote session at February’s Technology Tools for Today conference, the broad technology themes for advisors — the cloud, mobile, social tools and business intelligence — are largely unchanged from a year ago. In fact, almost every session or product announcement at the conference was in some way tied to one of those themes. 

Working With Widows

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  She's working hard to help more advisors bridge the gap. The author of “Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows,” Rehl has been a financial advisor for 17 years and is a widow herself. Now the president of Rehl WEALTH Collaborations LLC in Land O’Lakes, Fla., she has relinquished her RIA hat to focus on assisting widows and their advisors. In view of this client segment's growing importance, I recently asked her what advisors need to know to serve widows better.

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