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Assessing the future of the financial advice industry

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advice will learn a lot from a world based on efficiency. Let's look into our crystal ball for a moment to see what the future holds for the financial advice industry.

The must-offer RIA services for the future

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: 41% of advisers surveyed by Schwab said the independent model will differentiate itself by offering clients an array of benefits such as tax planning, charitable planning and healthcare planning, according to the firm's most recent Independent Advisor Outlook Study.

The Future of Digital Financial Advice: Who Will Succeed?

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For a long time, a key question raised about the financial advisory firms focused on when they would add a digital advice service. Now that so many firms have done so, the focus is on the future of digital wealth management, which includes legacy firms; the outside firms they partner with for digital offerings, like SigFig; and stand-alone robo-advisors like Betterment.

RIAs, Don't Assume You're Already in Compliance With DOL Fiduciary Rule

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you’re like many RIAs, you take pride in the fact that you always act in the best interests of your clients. You don’t sell high-commission products like nontraded REITs or equity index annuities. So you might be assuming that the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, which begins its phased implementation on Friday, doesn’t apply to you.

7 Books for Entrepreneurs: A CEO's Recommendations

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Growing up, I wasn't exactly a bookworm. I attribute my lack of reading as a child to having athletic prowess and focusing on other pursuits. In my twenties, friends joked that I was the world's first individual to finish law school without ever reading an entire book from cover to cover. I will neither confirm nor deny that claim.

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