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Happiest Advisors Have Clarity

Added on June 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisors are happiest when their firm's corporate strategy and compensation are easy to understand and clearly communicated, according to a J.D. Power & Associates study, which ranks firms according to advisor satisfaction.

Tech training at the top of the to-do list at many RIAs

Added on June 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: According to a Fidelity Investments benchmarking study of registered investment adviser firms released this spring, RIAs this year are more likely to train staff on existing technology systems than buy new products. Fully 58% of RIA firms ranked training of staff on existing systems as the second biggest technology opportunity, according to the online survey of more than 500 firms conducted by Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services

Framing it as opportunity, Bernie Clark delivers a chilling market warning at EXPLORE about the coming post-baby boom market

Added on June 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Bernie Clark and Walter Bettinger came to Naples, Fla. with reservations made at the Ritz-Carlton but no reservations about delivering a party-is-almost-over message to 160 RIA principals, mostly managing firms that control assets in the billions.The senior vice president and head of Schwab’s RIA custody unit and the chief executive of The Charles Schwab Corp. co-headed the annual EXPLORE convention with the tricky mission of alerting the company’s biggest clients that the game is changing but that the game plan is still a work in progress

Top Takeaways From the Morningstar Investment Conference

Added on June 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Nearly 2,000 advisors, exhibitors, and asset management industry leaders headed to Chicago for the annual Morningstar Investment Conference, one of the largest in the investment world. Attendees reveal some of the major takeaways for advisors - from a global outlook on bonds to where to find opportunities in the bond markets, as well as views from Franklin Templeton’s Michael Hasenstab and international investing tips from David Herro of The Oakmark Funds.

RIAs Worry Over Aging Clients & Robo Advice

Added on June 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: While some broker/dealer executives may be brushing aside the potential risk of emerging online advice platforms, almost half of RIAs are not quite as confident. In Schwab’s 2014 Independent Advisor Outlook Study—which surveyed 720 investment advisor firms—44 percent saw the online platforms as a threat, while 56 percent said “robo advisors” could supplement their current offerings and help grow the business.

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