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Beware Robos and Regulators, Custodians Warn

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisors will spend lots of time this year figuring out how to adapt to new technology and to potential changes in regulations, according to executives at major custodians and tech vendors.

Financial adviser moves set to pick up in 2015

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If the past is any indicator, adviser moves are likely to pick up steam in the first quarter, according to an analysis of InvestmentNews' Advisers on the Move database, which tracks teams of advisers and brokers changing firms.

5 Disruptors That Will Transform Advisors' Businesses

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Independent financial advisors constitute a young profession, but they and their partners over the past 35 years—the years that Investment Advisor magazine has been published—have always helped shape societal trends, technology and regulation. For this profession to thrive in the years ahead, it must harness five major transformative trends already in process.

Stressed-out Gen X and the search for a more 'livable' life

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We're just overwhelmed with life." That was my response to an attorney looking for insight into the obstacles facing Generation X. I'd referred a number of 30- and 40-something financial-planning clients to this attorney. All were in need of estate-planning documents.

The 10 biggest stories of 2014

Added on December 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: 2014 featured a number of major developments in the financial industry. High-profile money managers changed firms, financial empires rose and fell, and the advice industry continued to undergo major changes. As the year draws to a close, we’ve taken a look back and resurfaced 10 of the biggest stories for advisers in 2014.

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