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Featured Contributors: The Partnership Resource

Added on June 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We work with partners from formation to succession. We provide a “how-to” guide to get the most out of their specific partnership, so they can have a thriving business and a great relationship. We take business partners through a process; generally this involves assessing where they are, conducting facilitated meetings, and capturing what they have agreed to.

How your peers view robo-advisers

Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In a study set to publish in the coming week, InvestmentNews Research, in partnership with BlackRock, surveyed over 400 advisers with the goal of identifying what separates the largest, fastest-growing firms from their peers on a host of issues affecting their businesses today.

Attrition and breakaways have shrunk head counts at wirehouses

Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: When Morgan Stanley bought Smith Barney from Citigroup Inc. in 2009, it created the largest brokerage force in the industry with more than 20,000 of what the company referred to in a press release as “high-quality” financial advisers. The long-term target, the firm said at the time, was to maintain a workforce of between 18,500 and 19,000 advisers.

Envestnet Offers Digital Tool to Battle Robo-Advisors

Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: A day after Envestnet CEO Jud Bergman welcomed attendees at this year’s Advisors Summit with a pledge to help them cross “the digital divide,” the company announced a new digital portal

Elder care needs will transform advice industry

Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you're like most financial advisers, you are focused on how to capture a piece of the lucrative IRA rollover market as baby boomers transition into retirement. But fast forward 10 or 20 years and those same clients may be less interested in golf and travel and more concerned about assisted living and estate planning. Will you be ready to address their evolving needs?

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