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Be Smarter Than Your Competition: Trends to Look For in 2016

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The coming year will bring rapid changes in technology, regulations and in M&A. But which developments will be the most important to your practice and your clients? We’ve done the heavy lifting for you so you can stay ahead of your competition. Here are the trends to watch in 2016.

The Future of Wealth Management

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Many so-called experts have given their 2016 predictions: “Brace yourself for volatility,” “Be prepared for a downturn,” and so on. All are focused on the short term. Financial gurus such as Larry Fink and Warren Buffett are long-term thinkers. In fact, Fink has been on a crusade against short-term thinking, which he refers to as “short-termism.”

What top advisers read in 2015

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: A mix of new books and old favorites satisfied advisers’ reading appetites in 2015. Here are industry reads and guilty pleasures that come highly recommended by your planner peers

Robo-advice is here to stay, and advisers need to embrace it

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: INTV Video - should advisers be fearful of robo-advisers? A group of experts highlight the opportunities advisers have to take advantage of the rise of robo platforms to help innovate and evolve their own practices.

Key Takeaways from MarketCounsel 2015 - Day 1

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: While I sat inside the famous Fountainebleau Hotel last week attending MarketCounsel 2015, the rain was coming down in sheets on Miami Beach. Fortunately, I was surrounded by power players from the independent advisor channel and there was a steady stream of decision makers and industry influencers parading across the stage in front of me.

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