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RIAs and Their Assets Continue to Rise: IAA

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The number of registered investment advisors as well as the assets they manage continues to grow, with SEC-registered advisors jumping to 12,172 in 2017, a net increase of 2.7%, and their aggregate assets under management hitting a record high of $70.7 trillion, according to the Investment Adviser Association’s annual snapshot of the industry.

Why Advisors Need Financial Advisors

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: I got a call the other day from an owner-advisor who wanted me to work with him. He told me a story about his mother (now deceased) who was a doctor and had selflessly helped many people during her life, including taking in foster children over the years. She’d had little concern for her own happiness, with one exception: She’d bought a beach house where she’d spend time whenever she could. But she’d had to sell it to make ends meet after her retirement.

Destination Checks for the Serious About Being Successful Financial Advisors

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: There are as many destinations as there are important things in life. Which destinations should you check? The ones where you want to go and arrive at by a certain time. Here are a few destination-check suggestions for the successful and the serious-about-being-successful financial advisor.

Size Matters

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: My Twitter feed and email recently blew-up when the new Schwab RIA benchmarking survey data was released.  This response caught my attention because in my experience these reactions were usually caused by a survey release from CerulliTiburon Strategic Advisors or Aite Group.  What was so unique about this year’s Schwab survey?  Is it the urban myth that size matters?  Let’s take a look.

In Age of Fintech, People are More Important than Ever

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: According to a recent LinkedIn survey, 25% of finance professionals are worried about losing their jobs due to automation. Their fears are not misplaced, or unique to the industry. Just as technology hollowed out American manufacturing and eliminated the middle-man in commerce, it’s driving significant disruption and disintermediation on Wall Street.

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