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Robo-advisers poised for DOL fiduciary rule, but unintended consequences loom

Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Robo-advisers say they'll be just fine as the industry heads into the final countdown of the Department of Labor's impending fiduciary rule, but potholes along the way could push executives out of their comfort zone, according to an InvestmentNews roundtable of executives at many of the leading digital-advice platforms.

Fidelity starts testing robo-adviser service on clients

Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fidelity Investments, the second-largest U.S. mutual fund company, will test an automated-investment service starting Wednesday on a small group of existing customers.

LinkedIn ProFinder links financial advisers with prospective clients

Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: With this tool, LinkedIn will match its members with freelance professionals when a request is filed, to which an adviser can accept or reject. From there the prospect and adviser can go off line and discuss future services. Other industries include design, writing and editing, real estate and software development.

Feeling Overwhelmed? 6 Ways to Stay Productive

Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Have you ever looked at your to do list and just laughed? You think, “Oh right, that’s not happening,” and then moments later, you realize that none of the tasks on your list are really an option. Perhaps that’s the point that your nervous laughter turns to tears

Why SEC Fiduciary Rule May Be 'Unattainable'

Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The Securities and Exchange Commission delivering on a uniform fiduciary rule for brokers and advisors is likely an “unattainable” goal, as the two divisions charged with writing the rule have “different interests” regarding the rule’s outcome and the agency’s commissioners disagree on whether such a rule is necessary, Bob Plaze, a former SEC executive, said Thursday.

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