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The winners and losers of the DOL fiduciary rule

Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [VIDEO] Advice industry experts weigh in on who stands to gain from the Labor Department's final fiduciary rule, as well as the areas of the industry due to suffer under the new regulation.

Stop Operating A Practice And Start Running A Business

Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As a financial advisor, are you operating a practice or a business? Perhaps the answer is neither. You could be in a transitional phase, a sort of “no man’s land,” if you will, between the two models. And you might not even be aware of it.

Veres: Professional Advisors Already Winners with Fiduciary Rule

Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The Department of Labor’s announcement of its long-awaited, long-debated fiduciary rule for retirement plan advice will be remembered as a milestone in the history of the industry. To put it simply, professional financial planners and advisors have achieved a victory, and the Wall Street and independent broker-dealer service models have been dealt a blow.

The 7 Disruptions

Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Why should you care? Because disruptions are happening right now in our industry that many may be underestimating.

Diversity: Equal Opportunity or Equal Recognition?

Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: All firms, even smaller financial advisory firms, must make an effort to hire and promote people who reflect the greater community. Without a conscious effort to introduce new leadership views, we risk being close-minded to both needs and opportunities. We also deprive ourselves of the chance to be the employer of choice in our markets.

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