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Need a break from the news? Try a podcast

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary:We are creatures of habit. If you are like me, your morning routine includes a quick cup of coffee with the TV on in the background as you get ready for the day. Same channel. Every day. Whether we know it’s happening or not, our world view is shaped by what we see and hear day in and day out.

Four Steps to Client Segmentation

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Consumers expect a personalized marketplace. But why is it that retail and service businesses are comfortable categorizing their grocery stores and hotels, while we in the financial advice industry shy away from making similar categorical offerings to our clients? The future of retail, technology and marketing is personalized— and your firm service offering should be too.

RIA headcount, AUM on the rise as more firms embrace robo model

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The RIA sector is enjoying brisk growth in both personnel and assets under management, but remains dominated by small businesses that cater to specialized sets of clients, including a growing number of firms that are rolling out interactive digital advice services.

Four tech tools for communicating with clients

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Technology affects the way we communicate and build relations with our clients. Interacting with clients regularly and gaining their trust and loyalty are important.

Four tech tools for communicating with clients

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Technology affects the way we communicate and build relations with our clients. Interacting with clients regularly and gaining their trust and loyalty are important.

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