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5 Robo-Advice Myths Busted

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Attempting to dispel the myths about robo-advice, Tom Kimberly, general manager of Betterment for Advisors, said the nascent robo-advice market is not “human vs. technology. One is not going to win and the other lose.”

Advisers are ignoring the fastest growing wealth demographic

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: African-American incomes are rising faster than any other group in the world, but financial advisers seeking to target them as clients need to understand some of their deep-rooted money perceptions.

Most Clients are Happy Paying Advisor Fees

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [VIDEO] Natixis research says no matter what the wealth bracket, it's value that clients want.   

How financial advisers can write and promote a book

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Writing a book can do big things for financial professionals. Books reinforce the credibility of the author and can help establish the author as a thought leader and authority figure in the eyes of potential clients, plus it gives you an invaluable marketing and lead generation tool.

Financial Marketers Need to Adapt to How and Where People Are Getting Their Content

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Curt Chandler, Penn State professor and multimedia guru, spoke these words to Gregory FCA staffers recently during a presentation about communications best practices in today’s digital age. Chandler explained that one of the biggest mistakes marketers, journalists and PR professionals can make is expecting their target audience to find their content no matter where they post it. Instead, it is paramount for today’s communications professionals to identify where their audience gets their information and meet them there.

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