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Advisers warming up to the DOL rule, see business opportunity: Fidelity poll

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advisers' views on the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule have taken a surprising turn, as more are seeing the rule as having a positive impact on their business, according to a new study from Fidelity Investments.

Fiduciary Rule's Cost for 9 Investment Advice Players: From IBDs to RIAs

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: By April 2017, investment advisory firms will have to be in compliance with the Department of Labor’s new fiduciary rule requiring them to adhere to a “best-interest standard” in advising their customers.

Digital Client Onboarding: A Key Step Toward Wealth Management Platform Growth

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The initial interaction between a financial advisor and client is crucial not only for building the trust and confidence needed to sustain that relationship, but also for the long-term health of the wealth management firm.

Advisors: How to Separate Yourself from the Competition

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Everyone is gifted, but most people need help ”unwrapping their gifts,” because those gifts sit dormant, buried under layers of self-doubt, fear of failure, and feeling like they really don’t have what it takes to make a lifelong career of financial advising.

The Critical Error This Industry Is Making

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy, says the five mega trends impacting the advisory space are: the growth and evolution of the U.S. wealth market, the fiduciary standard, the evolution of digital advice, the aging of human advisors and the movement to independence

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