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Revealed: Fidelity's digital strategy and robo adviser

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fidelity revealed details of wide-ranging digital plans, from technology and platform upgrades to how the firm will provide advisers with a robo.

How to Deepen Relationships with Centers of Influence

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Building a reliable network of centers of influence (COIs) is one of the surest ways to engage with new prospects and grow your practice. Here’s a step-by-stop process to expand your list of COIs – including some who you probably didn’t think were potential referral sources.

3 Tips to Get Your White Paper Noticed

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Once you’ve published a white paper, will people read it? Not necessarily. All too often, I see firms place all their efforts into research, writing and designing without giving any thought to how they’re going to promote it.

Reimagine Your Audience: You'll be Surprised What Happens

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: What if we understood them, not as a “target” or an “audience,” but as a millennial who splurges on a Starbucks latte every day on his way to work? Or as an anxiety-prone single parent who seeks tranquility at the gym in the mornings after dropping the kids off at school? Or maybe an entrepreneurial wizard who’s driven more by a need to overcome loneliness than a desire to create the next tech wonder?

DOL Fiduciary Has Many Advisors Mulling Career Change: Fidelity Survey

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As more details emerge on what is expected of advisors and their partners from the Department of Labor’s fiduciary redefinition under ERISA, more advisors are finding their peace with the rule. However, there is also a sizable minority who are rethinking their career choice.

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