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Firms Increasingly Worried About DOL Fiduciary Rule

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisor concern about the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule keeps rising, according to a recent survey by Fidelity Institutional Asset Management.

New book offers advice on how to navigate the post-DOL rule world

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: New government rules require that financial advisers put their clients' interests first when recommending what to do with their retirement savings. But no one has defined what good advice actually means or how to accomplish it — until now.

Ten Podcasts That Will Give You an Edge in 2017

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Since we last rated the best podcasts for financial advisors just one year ago, over 5,000 new podcasts have been launched. Today, more than 40 million Americans listen to an average of six podcasts per month. And why not?  Pointing to a specific podcast is also a great way to educate clients.

FundFire: Why Are Most RIAs Unprepared for CyberSecurity Threats?

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: This year has seen some of the most high profile hacking attacks in the Internet age.  You would think that the near daily distribution of politicians’ emails would be enough to spur firms to increase their efforts to shore up their electronic defenses.

TD Ameritrade to Buy Scottrade's Brokerage

Added on October 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: TD Ameritrade and Toronto-Dominion Bank are shelling out $4 billion for online discount brokerage Scottrade Financial Services, which includes its banking operations, Bloomberg reports.

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