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Silence those voices in your head

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Do you hear voices? Even when you're alone, there is someone talking to you — a near constant internal dialogue we have with ourselves. The voices in your head don't make you crazy, they make you human. But these voices have the power to make us believe some crazy things.

7 Habits Of People Who Have Achieved Work-Life Balance

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: According to a recent study published by the American Sociological Review, 70% of American workers struggle with finding a work-life system that works for them. For many in the workforce, achieving any type of work-life balance, can seem like a myth, especially when technology has made us accessible around the clock. Time free from workplace obligations seems to becoming ever more elusive.

6 Sales Prospects You Don't Want To Waste Your Time With

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Did you ever have a call with a prospect where you just came away with this really bad feeling ? And in spite of that ominous feeling, you just continued to chase the deal anyway ? Did it go anywhere ? And if it did, did that prospect turn out to be a great client ?

A Call To Industry! Let Our Profession Go…

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The financial services industry is vital to financial planning in many ways. It provides financial products that meet the needs of the public, including our clients. 

Niche Marketing on LinkedIn

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: When someone asks us a question about niche marketing, one of our first thoughts is LinkedIn. Whether they’re targeting a certain company, an industry, a profession or demographic, LinkedIn is a great place to start. It helps you find niche prospects, determine your connections to them, and helps you market to them.

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