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How financial advisers can get unstuck in the New Year

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Most financial advisers started their firm because they had a dream for a different life and a vision of how to get there. They're passionate, ambitious and committed to building their new venture.

Advisors, Don't Be Dichotomous Thinkers

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Pundits like to make fun of the tradition of New Year’s resolutions, pointing out all the failures to actually follow through on those resolutions. Yet Americans keep making them, year after year. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, 45% of us usually make resolutions, but only 8% succeed in following them.

Voices 5 megatrends that are reshaping wealth management

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Wealth management is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by megatrends that are permanently altering the trajectory of a growing industry.

New Year, New Planning: Why Not Start Today?

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The idea of a new year is exciting: we can turn a page, wash the craziness of the past year off of us and start fresh.  After weeks of the stress of the holidays, family and year-end business goals, many of us are looking for a chance to catch our breath and get back to “our best self.” And that’s when we make our resolutions.

Millennials Say Their Job Prospects Are Brightening: Fed

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Last year also saw double the young workers rate flexible work schedules as the top job benefit over employer contributions to retirement savings accounts, 14.46 percent to 7.81 percent.

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