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Differentiated Service Requires Understanding Your Advisor Base \- And that Means Segmentation

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Third-party providers seeking to attract advisors often point to service as a differentiator in the marketplace. Yet, what service means to one advisor is often quite different to another advisor depending on size, circumstances, goals and more. By segmenting advisors, TAMPs (Turnkey Asset Management Programs) and other providers can better understand and support their clients, often dispelling some common misunderstandings about service expectations in the process.  

A New Year's Checklist for Advisors

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The start of the new year is an opportunity for advisors to not only reflect on the past year but to look ahead at the year to come. In particular, it’s a good time to take stock of the various administrative tasks that require your attention, and to consider the larger strategic decisions that will guide your firm through the next 12 months.

Blogs key to driving traffic to adviser websites, but what topics resonate best?

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advisers seeking to grow their businesses should carve out more time for writing, as blogs have become an essential tool for finding new clients.

Ten Wealth Management Trends for 2017, and How to Prepare

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The researchers at Aite Group shared what they think will be the biggest trends in wealth management over 2017—and how firms can prepare for them.   

RIAs See Bright Future in 2017: TD Ameritrade

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisors are optimistic about the economy and their businesses this year, according to a survey by TD Ameritrade Institutional. TDAI found advisors are planning to spend more on marketing, business development and technology in 2017.  

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