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Don't Be Like Most Advisors Who Won't Realize Their Business Vision

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you’re in the minority and exactly on track to realize your vision, then congratulations – it’s no small feat. If you’re in the majority then I’d suggest, humbly, that you need to look at your business planning very differently this year. Rather than thinking about incremental growth, I’d encourage you to think about your vision and the steps you need to take toward more transformative change.

John Bogle: Demise of fiduciary rule would be 'step backward' for nation

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Vanguard founder John Bogle said in a New York Times op-ed piece today that annulling the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule “would clearly be a setback for investors trying to prepare for retirement.”

How RIAs plan to spend in 2017

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Planners say they expect to see increases in revenue and client assets in 2017, according to the latest TD Ameritrade Institutional RIA Sentiment Survey. Accordingly, they plan to rev up spending on marketing, business development and technologies such as electronic signatures, the survey revealed. Also in the works: initiatives like more networking to attract a new generation of clients.

The Science of Negotiation

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We may not realize it, but we are constantly negotiating. For instance, a four-way-stop intersection on the drive to the office features a negotiation that, barring a crash, has no major impact on the relationship between the involved drivers. Negotiations about financial advisory fees, however, are much different; both the stakes and the potential to affect the advisor-client relationship are high.

Identifying Your Level of Work Happiness (and How to Boost It)

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: I recently reported on research that suggested avoiding debt is an important component in whether earning more money leads to more happiness. This supplements previous research that shows increasing one's income to around $75,000 a year does increase happiness.

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