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What not to do when speaking to the media

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Media exposure can help your practice in a number of ways — it can improve credibility, provide free exposure and give you a solid voice in the profession. I’m very fortunate to have created a decent media presence over the years, through consistent and thoughtful work.


Helping women get ahead in financial services

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: While the Financial Services Institute will always be laser-focused on our mission of advocacy on behalf of our members, we have also come to play another very important role: that of a think tank for the independent financial services community. As part of that crucial role, we realize we have a responsibility to help strengthen our community wherever we can, and help it prepare to thrive in the years ahead.

Doing a better job articulating adviser value

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As we continue​ exploring how to unleash adviser potential, let's recognize something important: You're probably doing a supremely mediocre job of articulating your value proposition

My Life As a Client: My Advisor Wants To Help Me Change The World

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary:    What do your clients think about you? We talked to Hedy Ratner, a 75-year-old Chicago resident, about what’s really on her mind.  

RIAs embrace the tough-love feedback of advisory boards

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It takes a thick skin to invite outsiders to rigorously critique your financial planning business, but some financial advisers wouldn't have it any other way.

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