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For Growth, Firm Founders Must Become Real CEOs

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If founders of financial-advice practices want to grow their firms, they have to transition from being full-time advisors to being full-time CEOs, Hoon Kang writes in Advisor Perspectives.

Supporting the Entrepreneurial Advisor

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Growing up behind the Iron Curtain in Kiev, Ukraine, Michael Pinsker had always admired the spirit of entrepreneurial freedom that is a hallmark of the U.S. Twenty-six years after he emigrated here, he still believes strongly in encouraging the free flow of business ideas and enabling those ideas to come to fruition.

What Are You Doing to Be Great?

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [Video] Great athletes and great advisors don’t blame anyone else for their mistakes because they know they are in control of their own time and actions. What are you doing to be great?

What financial advisers can learn from Amazon

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Recently my phone's storage chip malfunctioned. Unfortunately, I had a full afternoon of meetings and an early morning flight the next day. Thanks to Amazon, I had a new chip in my mailbox by the time I arrived home a couple of hours later that afternoon. How in the world can any electronics store carry enough inventory or be more convenient in giving me exactly what I need so easily?

SGA Guest Blog: Wes Stillman, RightSize Solutions on '5 Key Technology Questions for Every RIA'

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Just as you do for you clients, your responsibility in managing technology requires the ability to look at the past and plan for the future. We get organized. Perhaps we do the things we’ve been putting off, or start to address the symptoms we’ve been ignoring.

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