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The wealth management industry at a turning point

From InvestmentNews
Added on April 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For the first of a series of special reports on the Crossroads the financial advice business is facing, we posed one question to top industry leaders: What turning point do you see the overall financial advice industry facing at the current moment? Here is what they said.

Top 4 Reasons Clients Leave Advisors

From Think Advisor
Added on April 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  When it comes to why the mass affluent, high-net-worth and ultrahigh-net-worth clients would change advisors, it all comes down to not feeling the love. A Vanguard-Spectrem study asked 3,000 investors with net worth from $100,000 to $25 million to rank the main causes for switching financial advisors.

Young, wealthy clients still prefer the human touch over digital technologies

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The majority of high-net-worth investors under 40 appreciate the human support their advisers offer, and place great value on advisers' understanding of their goals-based investment needs, a new study shows. The three highest-rated human factors that advisers offer — understanding of individual needs, level of experience and market knowledge — each received a rating of 65 out of 100 on the importance index in the global wealth study released Thursday by SEI Investments Co., Scorpio Partnership and NPG Wealth Management.

5 thoughts about how to actually do what RIA experts say to do

From RIABiz
Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: You can lead an advisor to water. But why do they sometimes choose straight-from-the-tap instead of Perrier? When it comes to practice management consulting there is often times a disconnect between the “coaching” or “consulting” — i.e. the thinking that is delivered or recommended — and the actual execution i.e. the doing of the recommended actions.In an effort to make some of the more common “consulted on” topics easier to digest and implement, I have broken them down into easy to execute steps.

How Companies Can Attract the Best College Talent

From Harvard Business Review
Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Over the past year, Collegefeed met with more than 300 companies to understand their college hiring strategies and tactics — from employers with large university hiring infrastructures to recently funded start-ups looking to hire fresh grads, interns, and young alum. Not surprisingly, 84% understand that college hiring is important. Yet almost all agree that it’s really hard to attract good college talent. In fact, 92% believe they have a “brand problem” when it comes to their efforts.

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