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Stressed-out Gen X and the search for a more 'livable' life

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We're just overwhelmed with life." That was my response to an attorney looking for insight into the obstacles facing Generation X. I'd referred a number of 30- and 40-something financial-planning clients to this attorney. All were in need of estate-planning documents.

The 10 biggest stories of 2014

From InvestmentNews
Added on December 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: 2014 featured a number of major developments in the financial industry. High-profile money managers changed firms, financial empires rose and fell, and the advice industry continued to undergo major changes. As the year draws to a close, we’ve taken a look back and resurfaced 10 of the biggest stories for advisers in 2014.

New Year's Resolutions from Eight Industry Execs

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on December 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: With 2015 just around the corner, we asked industry executives about their professional and personal resolutions for the coming year. Check out these eight New Year’s resolutions ranging from increased communication to stepped-up technology knowledge.

Advisors Vow to Communicate Better Next Year

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on December 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Every December, SEI polls a few hundred financial advisors on their New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, because it’s a multiple-choice survey, the results tend to look pretty much the same from year to year — with most respondents saying their No. 1 goal is to get more referrals. So we called a handful of our favorite sources and asked them to tell us in their own words what they want to do differently beginning in January.

Gen Y Wants It All, and They're Willing to Pay for It

From Think Advisor
Added on December 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Young investors seem to have a “you get what you pay for” mentality, according to a recent report from Corporate Insight that surveyed retail investors at full-service brokerage firms.

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