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Adviser technology is about more than dollars

From InvestmentNews
Added on February 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: How do you view technology? Is it one of those things you know you need to run your business, but you fight tooth and nail because it doesn't come naturally? Because it takes a lot of time to learn to use and maximize? In other words, a lot of trial and error.

5 Tips to Sharpen Your Web Presence

From Financial Planning
Added on February 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you've ever searched your name on the internet and didn't like the results, you're not alone. But advisors should understand what they can do about it, said Sabrina Clark, director of marketing and corporate communications at BrandYourself, at the T3 conference.

Millennial millionaires-to-be neglected by advisors: Study

Added on February 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Released by TD Ameritrade Institutional, "Millionaires in the Making" shows that millennials who have less than $500,000 to invest but earn more than $150,000 a year are building wealth and have prospects, such as inheritance, that put them on a path toward significant wealth.

Top-performing firms invest big in technology — a critical driver of success

From InvestmentNews
Added on February 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summery: As we dive into the results of the 2015 InvestmentNews Adviser Technology Study and begin analyzing the data, one of the first steps is to identify the "top performers." By focusing on this group we can gauge how their success, typically defined primarily by their financial prosperity, separates them from the rest of the pack.

Sallie Krawcheck Tells Advisors To Stop 'Mansplaining' To Women Clients

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on February 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If the financial advisors want to tap into a largely underserved market with nearly $5 trillion in investable assets, they need to rethink the way they interact with female clients, says Sallie Krawcheck.

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