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Elder care needs will transform advice industry

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you're like most financial advisers, you are focused on how to capture a piece of the lucrative IRA rollover market as baby boomers transition into retirement. But fast forward 10 or 20 years and those same clients may be less interested in golf and travel and more concerned about assisted living and estate planning. Will you be ready to address their evolving needs?

10 Young Advisors To Watch

From Finanicial Advisor
Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: According to a report by Cerulli Associates last year, only 11% of advisors at RIAs are under the age of 35, and almost half (47%) of advisors at these firms are over 55. That explains why the current generation of leaders in the profession continues to wring their hands over the scarcity of new advisors, prompting some to view it as a crisis.

Study: 33% of Americans have no financial plan

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Some 58 percent of Americans believe their financial-planning efforts need improvement, but 34 percent of us have done nothing to plan for our financial futures, according to a newly released study by Northwestern Mutual.

Advisors Leaning More on Product Providers' Mobile Sites

From Think Advisor
Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advisors increasingly rely on product providers’ websites and Web support in managing their practices, but still encounter too many sites that are hard to navigate, have outdated content or content that is too generic or promotional, according to a recent report from Practical Perspectives, an independent consultant.

IRIS Featured Contributor: Kelli Cruz

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We find top performing firms have a disciplined approach to strategic planning that includes investing in technology that allows them to innovate and evolve their client service delivery as well as a human capital plan that can succeed beyond the first generation of own. 

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