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RIA Survey & Ranking 2015

From Financial Advisoor Magazine
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you ask five registered investment advisor firms what’s the secret to their success, you might get five—or six, seven or maybe more—different answers. That’s because the possible paths to success in the RIA space are varied, and success seemingly has been the order of the day according to Financial Advisor’s 2015 RIA survey.

Why Bob Veres Is Wrong on Flat Fees

From Investment Advisor Magazine
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Thirty years ago, Bob Veres gave me my first job as a financial journalist. Since then, I’ve grown to respect both his insight into the financial services industry and his commitment to the profession of independent advice. Over the years, Bob’s been right about a lot things: but like most of us, he hasn’t been right about everything. 

RIA Industry Is Going Strong, But Advisors Should Avoid Complacency, Says Schwab Executive

From Financial Advisor
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary:The RIA industry is on a growth trajectory that shows no signs of slowing, registered investment advisors attending a Schwab annual conference were told on Thursday.

Technology a Top Priority For RIA Growth

From WealthManagement.com
Added on June 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  Independent registered investment advisors are optimistic about the state of the industry after a six-year bull market, according to new research from Charles Schwab Advisor Services, and firms named the adoption and integration of new technology as their top priority for growth over the next five years.

Cybersecurity Tops Advisors' Compliance Worries: Poll

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Registered investment advisors are increasingly implementing cybersecurity policies as the number of cyber breaches against their firms jumps, according to a just-released poll by the Investment Adviser Association and ACA Compliance Group.

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