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LPL Sees Strong Hybrid RIA Growth Amid 'Massive Consolidation'

From Think Advisor
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Consolidation among financial advisory firms will not only continue in the coming years but also accelerate, according to LPL executives at the firm’s Focus 2015 conference in Boston. But as that industry trend continues, reducing the number of firms, LPL itself expects to recruit more advisors, especially in its RIA hybrid channel, its fastest growing.

Summer Reading List: Top Advisor Picks

From Financial Planning
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summery: Summer has finally arrived, ushering in some welcome rest – and hopefully some time for a good book. Advisors and other wealth management execs share their top picks for planners. These titles cover all the bases, from practice management and leadership development to behavioral finance and personal finance.

4 Key Behaviors Of Resilient People

Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: A person with a strong mind is someone who can predict the way they will respond to events in life so they can choose the better alternative. They can look back at how they’ve responded to situations in the past, learn from those experiences, and apply that knowledge to future ones.

It's a 'Time Of Abundance' For RIAs, Says Schwab

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The indpendent advisory space is maturing. Many of the 1,000 registered investment advisors surveyed in Charles Schwab’s 2015 Benchmarking Study surpassed 20 years in business, and and reported all-time high revenue and profitability.

No Slowing RIA Growth

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: RIAs have drawn advisors and assets from the wirehouses and other brokerage segments at an impressive pace; Aite Group, the Boston-based research firm, notes the independent RIA channel is the only one in the industry to grow market share since the crash, taking a 13.7 percent share of $17 trillion in client assets in 2013.

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