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The science behind why advisory teams do better business

From InvestmentNews
Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Planning teams perform better than solo advisers, and it's not just a matter of two heads being better than one. Advisers who work together as a pair or even a larger team grow faster than advisers who work alone because they focus on the fundamental drivers that lead to more successful businesses, according to a PriceMetrix report released Tuesday.

Market volatility fails to dent investors' attraction to robo-advisers

From InvestmentNews
Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The summertime spike in market volatility failed to dent investors' willingness to invest — or invest more of — their assets with robo-advisers. Automated investment platforms saw a 57% increase in assets under management between December 2014 and July 2015, according to a recent Corporate Insight study, “Next Generation Investing 2015: Digital Advice Matures.

RIA Firms Charge an Average Annual Client Advisory Fee of 1.03%

From Iris
Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Earlier this year, we surveyed over 1,000 registered investment adviser (RIA) firms about their technology usage, service offerings, and portfolio management styles, and then coupled the results with several different firm performance metrics.

7 Ways Advisors Can Add Clients, Stay Relevant

From Think Advisor
Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: At first glance, it looks like financial advisors have it made. Demand is growing for their services while the supply of advisors is falling due to retirement. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast a 27% increase in financial advisor jobs through 2022 — more than twice the growth of employment overall.

Pundits - The future looks bright for fee-based advisors

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The assets under management of RIAs and dually registered advisors (RIAs also registered as brokers) have grown from almost nothing in the mid-1980s to just under $2.8 trillion at the end of 2013, according to data from research firm Cerulli Associates. In the last five years, AUM growth has averaged 14.5 percent vs. 9.4 percent for the entire industry.

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