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Key Takeaways from MarketCounsel 2015 - Day 1

From Wealth Management Today
Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: While I sat inside the famous Fountainebleau Hotel last week attending MarketCounsel 2015, the rain was coming down in sheets on Miami Beach. Fortunately, I was surrounded by power players from the independent advisor channel and there was a steady stream of decision makers and industry influencers parading across the stage in front of me.

Advisors See Social Media Driving Client Acquisition, FPA Says

From FA Magazine
Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Sixty-seven percent of advisors see a direct or indirect link between social media activity and acquiring new business, while 30 percent do not see any connection, FPA says. Advisors want to deliver thought leadership via social media, according to a study released Tuesday entitled Communication Evolution: Financial Professionals and the Future of Thought Leadership and Social Media.

A Diversity Problem

From InvestmentNews
Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: That lack of racial diversity among financial advisers has a growing cost for the profession and the people it serves. Advisory firms that don't adapt may miss out.

Advisors' Top Priority? Growth Trumps Tech, Scottrade Survey Finds

From Think Advisor
Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Key findings of the 2015 Scottrade Advisor Services Study released today, which in August surveyed 373 RIAs online with at least $10 million in assets under management, asking where they would spend an “extra dollar” in their businesses.

If Advisors Had A Dollar...

From WealthManagement.com
Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: What would advisors do with an extra dollar? Most would put it towards growth opportunities, according to the 2015 Scottrade Advisor Services Study. This was the top answer among advisors of all sizes, although those with between $10 million and $100 million in assets were the most likely to spend that dollar on growth

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