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Socially responsible investing is coming of age

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fueled by younger investors, women, and growing political support, investing based on social and environmental ideals is gaining momentum. Even if it doesn't quite feel like a mainstream concept yet, it's here and it's expanding rapidly.

How to Get More Women in Company Leadership Roles

Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Almost every executive, CEO, business owner and manager that I have spoken with over the past 10 years asks the same question: “How do we get more women in leadership roles in our company?” 

Why Advisors Must Embrace Online Reviews

From WealthManagement.com
Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: No one today makes even casual financial decisions in a vacuum. If you want to book a vacation, you check TripAdvisor. Before you invest in a restaurant, you fire up Yelp. Angie’s List is the go-to platform for when you want to find a babysitter, plumber or dentist.

4 Ways Owner-Advisors Can Get Back Their Mojo

From Think Advisor
Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In his book “The Hard Thing About Hard Things,” Silicon Valley entrepreneur Ben Horowitz discusses the hardest things about building and running a business. One of those “hard things” is that as the CEO or founder of a business, you know things that no one else knows, so you have a perspective that no one else has.

Fiduciary Debate 2016: A Watershed Year

From Investment Advisor
Added on March 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: January paper released by the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard detailed regulatory and fiduciary issues on the table in 2016: the Department of Labor's fiduciary rules for IRA advisors; the Securities and Exchange Commission's fiduciary standard for brokers; the CFP Board's announced review of its best interest standard for financial planners; and the Institute's own “Best Practices for Fiduciary Financial

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