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RIA Firms That Hire NextGen Advisors Outperform Their Peers, TD Ameritrade Institutional Study Finds

From Ameritrade Institutional
Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Registered investment advisor (RIA) firms frequently hear that hiring a “next generation” advisor is the right thing to do as a graying industry faces a talent shortage, but hiring a millennial can also help firms boost growth and profitability, new TD Ameritrade Institutional research shows.

4 Tips for a Value Proposition That Lands Clients

From Think Advisor
Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: New research from global analytics firm Cerulli Associates looks at how advisors can identify their ideal target market and define a value proposition that is compelling to that audience.

Wealthy Women Are More 'Advisor Oriented' Than Men

From Think Advisor
Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Affluent women are more “advisor oriented” than affluent men, according to the latest Global Wealth Monitor from Phoenix Marketing International, meaning they’re more likely to let their advisor make most or all of their financial decisions for them, or to consult with an advisor regularly but make the final call on their own.

Fiduciary for All: More Regulation Coming, Says Sheryl Garrett

From Financial Planning
Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Yet for those who work in the independent planning channel, it wasn’t entirely surprising to hear President Obama laud low-cost planning pioneer Sheryl Garrett when he threw his support last year behind efforts to impose a government-mandated fiduciary standard on planners who work with retirement accounts.

The Secret to Getting People to Follow Your Call-To-Action

Added on April 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: This is you in a world where you’re constantly proving yourself. There’s tremendous competition. If you want to get ahead and stay ahead you need to communicate your message clearly, effectively and persuasively. You need to get people to follow your call-to-action.

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