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Aite: Indie RIAs Gained Market Share in 2015

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: At a steady rate, independent RIAs continued to gain market share in 2015, with their client assets growing faster than other types of advice providers, an Aite Group 2016 study has found. 

Recognize what makes female clients different

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Lauren Faustini struggled for many years to find an adviser who was not solely focused on her money. Most of the advisers she worked with just made investment recommendations and barely knew her name. Now her adviser listens to what she needs, takes notes and helps with all her concerns, including finding her an elder attorney when her father-in-law's health was failing.

How advisers can win in the financial services industry revolution

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: To adapt a Charles Dickens quote from “A Tale of Two Cities,” “It is the best of times; it is the worst of times.” It is the best time to be in the financial planning business, and it is the worst time to be in the financial planning business. There is a revolution in the financial services industry; fortunately, there is no guillotine involved. As we review our practices in the light of transformation, is it the best of times? 

Are You Conflict-Free?

From Think Advisor
Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The most appealing position statements in financial services businesses profess a freedom from conflicts of interest. At the same time, this position may be the most difficult to prove. The Department of Labor's newly released Conflict of Interest rule is poised to raise the bar on the fiduciary standard even higher.

Sallie Krawcheck's robo for women investors launches

From Financial Planning
Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Sallie Krawcheck thinks she can serve women investors better than Wall Street can, and she can do it with a robo designed specifically to account for women's concerns in its plans.

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