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How advisers feed their souls after hours

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial planning doesn’t have to be your whole life, in fact, many clients like to hear about advisers’ hobbies and interests so they feel open to share their own passions. These five advisers are engaged in unexpected pursuits that soothe their souls — and often their competitive spirits — outside the office.

New research suggests banning investment advice in the media

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Many financial planners have long advised their clients to pay less attention to the media to avoid making investment mistakes, and new academic research is backing their counsel.

5 big adviser concerns for the rest of 2016

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Despite increased anxiety about the markets, little consensus exists among advisers about what to expect in the second half of 2016. Close to half of advisers (45%) are bullish on U.S. equities over the next quarter, while 17% are bearish and 38% are undecided, according to Eaton Vance’s Advisor Top-of-Mind Index Survey.

We need a new vocabulary in the wealth management industry

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It seems to me that the wealth management industry has grown out of the traditional labels that we have used for decades to describe various companies, causing tremendous confusion for both clients and industry insiders. Let's take, for example, the term “wirehouse.” The term was originally meant to describe an investment firm which had multiple offices which communicated with their home office via “wire.”

Not Sure What to Write About? 5 Topics Every Financial Advisor Should Blog About

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Uh… how frustrating is it to sit in front of your computer ready to write something, but you really have no idea what to write about?  As a financial advisor, you know there is value in producing blog articles to help you build your thought leadership and offer some educational value to your audience, but you’re just drawing a blank!

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