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A Genogram May Give Financial Advisers Insight Into Clients

From The Wall Street Journal
Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As financial advisers, we often get so wrapped up in constructing and implementing structures to pass money on to the next generation that we forget about family dynamics and the generational patterns that exist. If we don't understand some of those dynamics, however, our best-crafted plans could fail.Using a genogram to map a client's family history helps identify financial patterns and values over generations. A genogram looks like a family tree, but it also provides detailed information on family relationships.

Women Advisors Forum Chicago: 6 Smart Takeaways

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Wealth, widowhood, retirement strategies and practice management tips were all in focus in at the Women Advisors Forum in Chicago in October. The event drew about 150 female advisors from around the country for a day of education and schmoozing. ,
Here are a few of the smartest things we heard in Chicago.

What Superstar Advisors Get Right

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: You don't have to be an industry veteran to achieve great things. A recent study discovers a select group of advisors who are enjoying significant success even though they're quite new to the industry. These advisors all had less than five years of experience when we surveyed them, but already had reached $50 million in assets under management - a milestone some advisors never achieve. We dug deeper to understand who these advisors are and how they accomplished such impressive results in such a short time. Here's what we learned.

That Holiday "Touch Point" Is Right Around the Corner

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Since the holiday shopping season officially starts immediately after Halloween, it’s not too early for advisors to start thinking about what kind of swag they’ll bestow on clients this year.

Analyze Your Practice To Find Profits and Productivity

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: An in-depth analysis of how you and your team are spending your time is a key step in building a sustainable practice that achieves the goals you’ve set for your practice and your life, says Susan A. Riley-Hayes, who owns Highpointe Wealth Advisors speaking at SourceMedia’s Women Advisors Forum in Chicago.

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