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Advisors Can Fill Obamacare Knowledge Gap

From Financial Advisor Magazine
Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: A financial advisor who knows the ins and outs of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicare will have a huge advantage over those who do not, according to John Carter, president and COO of Retirement Plans for Nationwide Financial. According to the Nationwide survey, What Americans Don’t Understand About ACA, 75 percent of boomers do not know that the ACA does not cover long-term care. Likewise, 76 percent do not know their personal benefits under ACA and 37 percent do not know what the ACA exchanges are

What Do Young Near-Millionaires Need? Advice. What Don't They Have? Advisors.

From Think Advisor
Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: A survey by Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services goes some distance in providing the answers regarding next generation of millionaires and what the opportunities are for advisors who structure their offerings to attract them.

Survey Reveals Why the Ranks of RIAs Are Growing

From Think Advisor
Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: “2013 AdvisorBenchmarking All-Channel Study,” was released last month by WealthManagement.com. The study polled some 2,400 financial advisors “across all channels,” identifying trends among “top performing advisors” (based on growth in AUM and profitability), and more importantly, differences between various advisor channels. Even with only a few data points, those “differences” reveal why the ranks of RIAs are growing, while most other advisor groups are shrinking.

The Biggest Threat to Firms That Serve the Wealthy

From Think Advisor
Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As high-net-worth investors work with greater numbers of financial professionals and gravitate toward boutique-like service models, such as RIAs, multifamily offices and state-registered trust companies, the pressure is on providers to attract new wealthy clients.

Much of 2013's Important News Arose From What Didn't Happen

From Investment Advisor
Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Looking back over the past year in the independent advisory world reveals that sometimes the most important events are those that didn’t happen. Bob Clark, Editor-at-Large at Investment Advisor Magazine shares his list of key non-events for advisors in 2013.

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