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Sallie Krawcheck Tells Advisors To Stop 'Mansplaining' To Women Clients

Added on February 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If the financial advisors want to tap into a largely underserved market with nearly $5 trillion in investable assets, they need to rethink the way they interact with female clients, says Sallie Krawcheck.

RIAs Rarin' to Compete in 2015: TDAI Survey

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Registered investment advisors are coming off another year of double-digit growth in clients, revenue and assets, and they have a largely positive outlook for the overall U.S. economy, according a survey by TD Ameritrade Institutional.

More Focused, Less Frequent Marketing Gets Advisors' Attention

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Product providers’ efforts to reach financial advisors may be for naught if they don’t ease up on how often they’re communicating with them. A report released in January by Practical Perspectives found that advisors are overwhelmed by the contact they get from various asset managers, insurance companies and other product providers.

12 Key Insights for Financial Advisors and Clients

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The terrain for financial advisors is shifting. The ubiquitous adoption of smartphones and the use of social media have changed the way advisors connect with clients.To find out what advisors and clients are thinking, EY’s 2014 Wealth Management Survey asked both groups a series of questions.

What's next in adviser technology?

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: InvestmentNews hosted a roundtable of technology executives from independent broker-dealers and custodians to learn about the biggest issues they're tackling, what they're hearing from advisers and what they plan to focus on next. Here's what they had to say:

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