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Advisory firm owners balance rewarding performance with keeping a lid on compensation

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Adviser salaries have been stagnant for the past two years, but bonuses are up sharply, reflecting a willingness by employers to reward performance while at the same time keeping a lid on overall compensation.

Ethics, Robots and Women on Boards - Hot Topics for the Future of Financial Services

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: he importance of ethics in financial services, the future of robots and artificial intelligence and the undeniable benefits of having women on boards: these issues and more were explored at this week’s Australia Investment Conference held by CFA Societies Australia (#CFAAIC2015, for those following on Twitter).

5 simple ways to help clients understand advisory fees

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: To get clients to understand and appreciate the value of professional financial advice, they must grasp two key metrics: what they are paying and what services are being provided for these fees. While this equation sounds simple enough, the evidence suggests most clients are not adequately equipped to make this assessment.

Fidelity's Haskins: Navigating an era of digital advice and technology

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: VIDEO from Junxure Conference - Tricia Haskins, V.P., head of technology consulting at Fidelity Investments on how advisers are wading through a sea of complex technology decisions. 

Why you need a project plan when bringing on new technology

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: With so many new or updated technology products available, it's not surprising that advisers are bringing on new tools all the time. It isn't easy though.Advisers need to consider a number of factors before acting: Who will be involved in the adoption process, who will champion the new software when it is rolled out, how long is it expected to take and in what ways will the product integrate with the current system.

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