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Why Are Advisors Feeling So Blue? A Psychologist to FAs Explains

Added on February 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Not since 2008 have financial advisors felt so dispirited and turned off. Weary of the heightened regulatory requirements that make them work harder but earn less, many FAs are showing diminished zest for their jobs.

The Power Of Value-Added Services

Added on February 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The affluent are certainly looking for the highest quality financial services. Investment management expertise is the reason they engage financial advisors. In many situations, the ability to obtain advanced planning services—wealth enhancement, estate planning, asset protection planning—is also a major draw. 

Best Practices of the Best Advisors

Added on February 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summmary: As a young hockey player growing up, we all wanted to be our best. We defined the best at that time as the “Great One” Wayne Gretzky. As we studied and watched Wayne weave his magic, we realized that he plays a different style of game, which is not for everyone. Wayne and his team had an offensively aggressive style of play that worked well for them and led them to 5 Stanley Cups.

Advisors in Pursuit of Happiness

Added on February 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Two hundred and forty years ago this July, Thomas Jefferson wrote that America was declaring independence in the belief that basic human rights include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

For greater Twitter reach in finance, try quality over quantity

Added on January 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It used to be that Twitter users were focused mostly on getting the highest number of account holders to follow their string of tweets. While a certain bulk of followers will always be important, it takes more than just a mass following to be considered influential on the 140-character social media platform.

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