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Should your firm offer a robo-advice platform? Here's what your peers are doing

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The latest research from InvestmentNews finds that offering a robo-advice platform may not be right for all advisory firms, but all firms can learn how to harness technology to offer innovative service.

'Approachability' continues to be the one-word descriptor of what separates good RIAs from the ones who struggle

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Money is a prickly topic so channeling your inner porcupine, leaving people hanging by the receptionists desk and delivering monologues about smart-beta is dumb

Confidence: How you can give it to young financial advisers and watch them run with it

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Our fourth annual 40 Under 40 project is under way, and we need your help to uncover top young talent in financial advice. InvestmentNews' goal each year is to find the stories that inspire the industry and illuminate its clearest path to future success, which depends on knowing who our next generation of leaders will be and what ideas are emerging from them.

Female Advisors More Likely to Be Fired for Misconduct Than Male Advisors: Study

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It’s been well-documented that women earn less than men for the same or equivalent job and are less likely to be promoted than their male counterparts. Now a study released by the National Bureau of Economic Research has unearthed what they call a “new type of discrimination” in the financial services industry: discrimination in job termination.


Advisor vs. Adviser: The "Os" have it!

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In the long running battle over whether someone who gives professional advice is an "adviser" or an "advisor," the "o" side is clearly winning. An InvestmentNews survey of more than 550 readers found that nearly 83% refer to themselves as an "advisor," versus 17% who call themselves an "adviser

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