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7 Dirty Words for RIAs to Avoid

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary:Every month, I try to determine the most important issue to write about, yet most of the time I end up delving into the seemingly boring topic of regulation. Why? Because I think the massive lobbying effort by the brokerage world and the Financial Services Institute to make FINRA the chief regulator of the financial planning and RIA community poses an existential threat. I actually believe that FINRA regulation would snuff out the creativity and idealism of our profession - and put a lot of great advisory firms out of business, reducing a lot of pesky competition for FINRA's brokerage firm members.

Best Practices From Consulting Experts

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The point of going to a conference is to pick up some tips and contacts that can help an attendee become more successful. To help with that type of networking, TD Ameritrade Institutional offered a business consulting lounge in a high-traffic area for its conference.  The over 3,000 attendees were encouraged to stop by at their leisure to learn industry trends and best practices.  Topics included social media, client acquisition, professional development, human capital and risk management.

Demand For Female Financial Leaders Largely Ignored

Added on March 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  clear majority of Americans prefer executives with a more collaborative and creative leadership style, and seven out of 10 associate these leadership styles with women, according to a new study by Pershing. 

How can you make your firm more attractive to clients concerned about healthcare costs?

Added on February 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: On average, financial advisors say their clients should expect Medicare to cover about three-fifths of their annual health care costs. Couple this with numerous studies that show the average American has not yet saved enough for retirement, and the 10,000 Baby Boomers who are retiring each day, and an alarming picture begins to come into view. 

Habits of the Most Successful Financial Advisers

Added on February 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The most successful financial advisers take their time picking up new technology, focus on the "client experience" and deemphasize back-office trades, according to a new study from Fidelity Investments.

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