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Does your RIA firm have a shelf life?

Added on June 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In our most recent Wealth Management M&A Transaction report, we identified three core ingredients that large RIA acquirers are looking for: adding next-generation talent to their employee base, expanding into new geographies and building density in specific markets to increase scale and efficiencies.

RIA consolidation hits new high in first quarter

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The registered investment adviser space rolled into 2017 by consolidating at a record clip, according to the latest report from DeVoe & Co. The first quarter report, released Tuesday morning, counts a record 44 deals during the first three months of the year, versus 36 deals in the fourth quarter of 2016, and eclipses a previous high of 39 deals in the first quarter of 2015.

RIA M&A activity hits all-time high but average AUM of sellers plunges

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The sale of smaller RIAs fueled record M&A activity in the first quarter, but also led to a steep decline in average assets under management of the sellers.

Everyone Is Merging

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: There’s no doubt the advisory industry is consolidating, but it’s not a process of splashy acquisitions. Instead, many top firms are joining forces with like-minded smaller firms, and at times with each other, to form bigger organizations with larger market footprints. Big acquisitions with high valuations garner all the publicity, but a quiet current of mergers is powerfully transforming the industry, and such combinations may become one of the primary succession mechanisms for midsize firms.

The Drivers Behind the Recent Uptick in RIA M&A

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: It is undeniable that M&A in the RIA space is heating up and not only are the number of deals increasing but the size of the average deal is also rising. What is behind this trend? Why are independent business owners merging their firms into larger enterprises? The answer is that “scale matters” and real benefits can be derived from merging a smaller independent firm into an enterprise level independent organization.

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