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Why exactly is Ron Carson forming an RIA and why is it happening now?

From www.riabiz.com
Added on May 2011 in Form an RIA
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Summary: LPL’s number one advisor, Ron Carson, wants to manage the assets of other non LPL advisors and buy other advisory firms, but deals always got hung up because the advisors couldn’t custody assets at any other firm if they joined Carson.   Carson coaches 800 advisors through his Peak Advisor Alliance where 58% are not affiliated with LPL.  

Barron's top advisor shares the secrets to his success with rapt RIAs at TD event

From RIAbiz
Added on June 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Ric Edelman’s view of the RIA world: The key to growing an advisory business into a corporate brand is scalability. Referencing the Starbucks model, he noted that “Clients must be secure in the knowledge that you can resolve issues with the same level of success.”  Make sure your infrastructure is in place before you advertise.  You will master technology or be crushed by it. Between the potential of technology to increase scale and the aging demographic, the industry can look forward to a massive increase in assets. 

Some advisers decide bigger isn't better

From Investment News
Added on June 2011 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Some advisors downsize their practices for work-life balance versus revenue maximization.

Untethering from the Mothership: Yes You Can, But It Won't Be Easy

From Financial Planning
Added on March 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Before changing firms and or business models thinking, planning and strategy are required. First of all, review your needs If you are with one of the major firms that has signed the Broker Protocol (note to yourself – find out if yours has) there are certain rules by which you must abide, or risk being sued by the firm you’re leaving. Look for firm with the right culture fit for you, and culture fit does not mean payout. When you decide what is right for you you’ll have the time of your life!

How to Choose a Firm When You Go Independent

From Financial Planning
Added on March 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary:  Leaving a brokerage firm or a large wirehouse to join a firm of independent planners is a delicate move. Your own career and financial security is at risk when you put your reputation on line with new colleagues. Choose a firm with a well thought out and documented investment philosophy. Choose a firm with the infrastructure that you need to support you: staff, back office efficiency and capacity to grow. A good firm will have a healthy culture with little or no staff and client turnover.

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