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Financial Planning Education 101: 10 Standout Schools

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2011 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The article highlights 10 schools with undergraduated degrees, master's and Ph.D. programs as well as certificate programs in financial planning. The article includes an interesting progression of the financial planning degree and indicates that the future will hold a better defined career path for the financial planner. Advisors of the future are gravitating toward financial planning programs. Here are the schools on many student's short lists.

Schwab encourages RIAs to adopt client segmentation but some don't approve

From www.riabiz.com
Added on June 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Schwab is launching a client segmentation program to aid advisors in analyzing their clients and grouping them to determine which services to offer each client group with the ability to measure profitability.

RIAs and online brokers are winning the market-share game

From RIAbiz
Added on July 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The Aite Group's most recent study, New Realities in Wealth Management: From Dust till Dawn, gives the current market share breakdown in wealth managment and the changes that have occured between late 2009 and early 2011. 

Marketshare       Wealth Management Provider      Change
      11%                             RIAs                                +1.2%  
      19%                     On-line Brokerage                  +3%  
      38%                       Wirehouses                           -1.1%
      16%             Independent Broker Dealers           -4%

The number of commission-only brokers has fallen 40% between late '09 and early '11.

Big Schwab survey: RIAs surpass 2007 former peaks in assets and revenues

From RIAbiz
Added on July 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Schwab Advisor Services and the RIA channel have surpassed revenues and asset levels where they were pre-2008 meltdown and the stage is set for a new era of growth, according to the 2011 RIA Benchmarking Study from Schwab. Median standardized operating income recovered to 18.3% up from 14.9% in 2009. This, combined with strong revenue gains, produced a surge in profits of 45% at the average firm since 2009. Schwab’s Bernie Clark believes that RIAs are poised for growth after the challenges of the past few years. Palaveev feels that advisors now need to raise prices on their services which they expanded during the financial crisis.

More Brokers, Advisors Going Independent and taking Clients with them

From Financial Planning
Added on April 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The Broker and Advisor Sentiment Index Survey by Fidelity reports that more brokers and financial advisors are looking to make more money and have more control over the type of clients they serve and the investments they recommend and they continued to flood the independent channel at a swift pace in 2010. Culture and community fit are important to them. Brokers and Advisors on average brought over 70% of their client assets when they did make a change. 

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