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High-Tech, High-Touch Marketing

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on August 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Client expectations about you and your practice don't suddenly kick into high gear after you’ve added an individual or firm to your book. They start way before you’ve even made your first contact, since prospective clients assume you have an online presence.

RIAs and Their Assets Continue to Rise: IAA

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The number of registered investment advisors as well as the assets they manage continues to grow, with SEC-registered advisors jumping to 12,172 in 2017, a net increase of 2.7%, and their aggregate assets under management hitting a record high of $70.7 trillion, according to the Investment Adviser Association’s annual snapshot of the industry.

Advisers can cast off limitations with '5 Freedoms'

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:  Last month on a podcast with Michael Kitces, partner and director of research at Pinnacle Advisory Group, we talked about the stress, struggles and strife that so often accompany building and running a practice. Or what I call the "stress of success." 

Buy the Book: A Growth Strategy Worth Considering: Blog

From Diamond Consultants
Added on August 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The opportunity to take over a book of business is something sought after by virtually every advisor, and most would assume that every such opportunity should be pursued vigilantly. But are there times when advisors should walk away, as tempting as it may be on the surface to add assets—whether they are acquired, inherited from a senior partner, or as a result of strategic alliances.

Marketing Automation for Beginners

Added on August 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: There is no such thing as a truly “automated”, hands-off approach to internet marketing. Rather, marketing automation software is designed to semi-automate many aspects of a marketer’s day-to-day tasks and free up more time for an organization. For some businesses, marketing automation enables faster, easier email personalization, timely information dissemination, and lead nurturing. For other businesses, automation software is essential for processing, fulfilling, and tracking orders accurately and efficiently.

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