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RIAs Focusing on Organic Growth

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: An overwhelming majority (80 percent) of firms said gaining new clients through business and existing client referrals was their top strategy to spur growth this year, according to the more than 1,100 advisory firms that participated in Schwab’s 2014 RIA Benchmarking Study

The reasons why human and robo-advisers will soon converge

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Robo-advisers and real advisers each have what the other wants. Robo-advisers, for all their bluster about empowering do-it-yourself investors with high-tech portfolio management wizardry, will ultimately morph to advice-giving firms with cool technology. Real advisers, the flesh and blood professionals who meet eye-to-eye with clients to give investment and non-investment advice, covet the slick interfaces and operational efficiency afforded by the robo-advisers.

RIA Profits, Growth Hit 8-Year High: Schwab

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Registered investment advisors reported record growth and profitability, according to the 2014 RIA Benchmarking Study by Schwab Advisor Services.Profits were highest since the study's inception in 2006.

Summer Fun: 5 Ways To Get More (Results) From Your Marketing Events

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  Marketing events should not be confused with parties. If you are trying to grow profitably, a big event can be a terrific strategy or a money pit that takes a lot of time and funds away from other profitable endeavors.Here are five ideas for successful (and fun) event marketing.

Be a robo-adviser, the human way

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It's not hard to see why robo-advisers are generating so much buzz: They purport to use powerful technology to deliver what they call tailored investment recommendations at a fraction of the cost of traditional investment managers. That's a pretty compelling proposition, especially for newbie investors.

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