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Tapping Advisor Technology Thought Leaders: Michael Kitces, Part 2

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: This is the second of two blog posts covering my conversation with Michael Kitces. In this one we pushed into the current trends of financial planning. You can read the first post here.  To give you a sense for how Michael operates, our conversation was conducted while he was on a long drive. In total, we chatted for about two hours, during which he became more and more passionate. I only hope there weren’t many other drivers about, as a lot of brain power was focused on the phone, so there cannot have been much left for the road.

Why You Need Women on Your Advisor Team

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In an industry that continues to be dominated by men, it's sometimes difficult for women to make their mark. But as more and more women enter the financial advisory field and rise up the ranks, clients and colleagues alike—both male and female—are starting to the see the benefits of having a woman on the team.

2014 Summer Reading List for Advisors

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Neuroscientists will tell you that the best time to absorb important information is when you're relaxed. Our summer reading list may be work-related, but reading these gems away from the office makes all the difference. We've talked with advisors to compile a list of the top books you should be sure to read this summer. The return on your investment will be intangible, but substantial - enjoy your vacation!

Tapping Advisor Technology Thought Leaders: Michael Kitces, Part 1

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: My job gets me out of the office on a regular basis, visiting strategic partners and attending conferences. One of the things I love is meeting the people in our industry. Advisors on the whole are entrepreneurs and as such, have to have big personalities and the drive to survive. Therefore, those who service and advise them have to be the same. In today’s blog post, I have a discussion with a man who clearly fits this description: Michael Kitces.

The future of running a financial advisory practice

Added on July 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For the second of a series of special reports on the Crossroads the financial advice business is facing, InvestmentNews asked the industry's top practice management experts one question: How will running a financial advisory practice be different in five to 10 years?

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