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Networking for Introverts

Added on August 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The night before a conference where I was scheduled to speak, I found myself in a crowded bar just south of Greenwich Village. The organizers had arranged a VIP reception, and — having just moved to New York — I figured I should attend. Indeed, I had good conversations with four interesting people whom I’ll probably keep in touch with. But when I walked out the door an hour later, I was thrilled with my revelation: I’m never doing that again.

Helping women bridge the financial literacy gap

Added on August 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Managing personal finances and preparing for retirement isn't easy for anyone, but the challenges are particularly difficult for women. The latest results of an annual survey of financial literacy and wellness showed that women continue to feel less confident than men about their ability to manage their cash flow and debt, allocate their investments and prepare for their retirement.

Lack of female advisers and female clients goes hand in hand

Added on August 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: InvestmentNews surveyed 377 advisers on their experiences attracting and working with women clients. These are highlights.

Financial advisers' events can make lasting client impression

Added on August 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Social media and other online communication may be top of mind for financial advisers, but many find there is no substitute for old-fashioned, in-person client events.

Don't Waste Time on the Wirehouses, McKinsey Tells Managers

Added on August 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: McKinsey & Company most recent report on retail asset management is, of course, aimed at helping product providers up their game. But its findings also shed light on the financial-advice business — specifically, where growth is expected to be strongest over the next several years.McKinsey says the wirehouses will capture only 2% of those assets, compared with 28% for RIAs and 21% for independent broker-dealers.

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