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NAPFA Conference to Tackle Rapid Industry Changes

Added on September 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The conference, "Evolution Now: Adopting and Thriving in a Changing Environment 2015 and Beyond" will highlight new and fast changing developments in public policy, technology and practice management says NAPFA chief executive Geoff Brown.  It will be held from October 21 to October 24 in Charlotte, N.C.

Millennials Don't Want to Talk to You on Social Media, Study Says

Added on September 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Despite years of industry hype about how social media can be a valuable marketing tool for advisors, especially among younger prospects, millennials don’t actually want to communicate with financial services firms on social networks. Only 0.03 percent of millennials want firms to contact them via social media, according to a new study by BNY Mellon and a team of undergraduates at the University of Oxford.

Gen X faces daunting task: Planning for retirement

Added on September 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Members of Generation X face the daunting task of planning for a retirement that will likely include no pension, a potential Social Security haircut, stagnant wages and high education costs for them and their children.

Advisers boost assets by 21%, helped by new clients, market gains

Added on September 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The latest performance results are in, and 2013 was a great year to be in the financial advice business.Financial advisory firms boosted assets under management last year by 21% to an average of $502 million, the 2014 InvestmentNews Financial Performance Study of Advisory Firms found. That's up from $414 million in 2012. AUM, in fact, has increased an average of 20% every year since 2009.

Fiduciary Advisors Are in Peril: How to Fight Back

Added on September 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fiduciary advisors are in peril. The brokerage industry is smothering fiduciary advisors in a well-oiled Wall Street-Washington lobbying campaign. Their strategy: persuade policymakers and regulators that "best interest" advice harms investors, while higher cost, opaque products sales help investors.

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